In this post, we are going to try to solve an easy programming interview question that is likely to be asked in Java interviews. But before, I suggest you to take a look at 40+ Essential Core Java Interview Questions to refresh your memory on core concepts.
The question is:
Given two arrays, write a function to compute their intersection. The resulting array needs to contain unique integers.
There are a lot of different ways to approach this question, but I prefer to use a Set to store the intersection results. In the following code, first I check the base cases that the input arrays are null or empty. Then I create two sets: one to store the unique elements of the first array and the intersection of the input arrays. As you know, the elements stored in a Set have to be unique, and this is the reason we are using Sets in this example.
package intersection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class Solution {
public int[] intersection(int[] nums1, int[] nums2) {
if(nums1==null || nums2==null || nums1.length==0 || nums2.length==0) return new int[0];
Set set = new HashSet<>();
Set intersect = new HashSet<>();
// Iterate through the first array and add the elements to the first set.
for (int i = 0; i < nums1.length; i++) {
// Iterate through the second array and whenever there is a match add those numbers to the intersect set.
for (int i = 0; i < nums2.length; i++) {
if (set.contains(nums2[i])) {
// Create and populate the result array
int[] result = new int[intersect.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Integer num : intersect) {
result[i++] = num;
return result;
After writing the base cases and creating our empty Sets, we iterate through the first array and add the elements to the first set using a for loop. Then we iterate through the second array and whenever there is a match, add those numbers to the intersect set. Finally, we create a new result array of type int, populate this array using the intersect set and return this array.
And these are the test cases to test the functionality of the program:
package intersection;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestSolution {
private static Solution s;
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception{
s = new Solution();
public void testIntersection1() {
int[] nums1 = {4,8,1,2,5,12,15,3,8,121};
int[] nums2 = {123,456,678,78,15,99,12};
int[] result = {12,15};
assertArrayEquals(result,s.intersection(nums1, nums2));
// second array is empty
public void testIntersection2() {
int[] nums1 = {4,8,1,2,5,12,15,3,99,121};
int[] nums2 = {};
int[] result = {};
assertArrayEquals(result,s.intersection(nums1, nums2));
// Empty arrays
public void testIntersection3() {
int[] nums1 = {};
int[] nums2 = {};
int[] result = {};
assertArrayEquals(result,s.intersection(nums1, nums2));
//first array is empty
public void testIntersection4() {
int[] nums1 = {};
int[] nums2 = {123,456,678,78,15,99,12};
int[] result = {};
assertArrayEquals(result,s.intersection(nums1, nums2));
//first array is null
public void testIntersection5() {
int[] nums1 = null;
int[] nums2 = {123,456,678,78,15,99,12};
int[] result = {};
assertArrayEquals(result,s.intersection(nums1, nums2));
//arrays are null
public void testIntersection6() {
int[] nums1 = null;
int[] nums2 = null;
int[] result = {};
assertArrayEquals(result,s.intersection(nums1, nums2));
Here is the test result:

Hope this post is helpful. Please leave a comment if you have any comments or suggestions. Happy coding!
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