EE 316 - Electronic Design Project - Infrared Data Transceiver ( Project Report )

Nowadays, technological improvements bring the need of telecommunication. Communication leads us to transmit information one location to another. Transmitting a signal to an intended location can be accomplished by using different channels of communication. These channels can be divided into two categories; wired and wireless communication...

Recently wireless communication takes the place of wired communication.Wireless communication uses different channels to convey desired information such as; radio-frequency channel, Wi-Fi channel and the most applicable one, infrared channel.

In our project we aim to transfer of data from one computer to another by using serial transmission with infrared transceiver. Infrared is an efficient solution to convey information due to [1];

  • Ease of use and build,
  • Low cost,
  • Secure communication,
  • Ideal for short distances,
  • Freedom from government license, in contrast to Radio-Frequency systems,
  • Low power requirement.

keywords: hardware project, IR communication


Software Developer, Codemio Admin

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